Saturday, March 05, 2005


Everyone is telling me they are praying for me. Some of them have put me on their prayer list at their churches. I've been thinking about this. Prayer requires people to think about you and having so many people thinking about you is humbling.

This is the advantage (and some say disadvantage) of living in a small town. You just aren't anonymous like in a city, because people know who you are, even if they don't directly know you. They may care about someone who cares for you and so they pray for you without knowing you personally. It's overwhelming.

When I moved here I didn't know anyone. I'm kind of an introvert (no, really) around strangers so it takes me a long time to establish a friendship with someone. For example, I don't call people because I don't want to bother them. But there are so many people here who have reached out to me. I'm sure my drama would go mostly unnoticed, but for family and a few long time friends, if I had remained in the area where I grew up.

So today I'm thankful for prayers. And for the decision I made 11 years ago to go back to college here.

Things I want to do: own a Jeep Liberty. Man, they are so cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has it been 11 years? Doesn't seem possible? How long have you and Luke been married?
We are thinking of moving to a small town to for Jakob's sake.
Love ya,