Sunday, March 06, 2005

countdown to chemo

We've gotten the scripts filled, cut my hair, cleaned the house. Still haven't fitted for the wig yet, but I'll do that in the a.m. before they start the chemo. I tried surfing the web for cancer hats. That was depressing. Most of them look way too hot for the south. I'll have to keep looking.

I couldn't clean the tubs today because the tape on my chest from the port incision is still there and it pulls. Luke did a great job of saying, "Sure thing" when I told him he had to clean the tubs. He also swept the kitchen, vacuumed the living room, folded some clothes, paid the bills. I think he may have done some other things, too, but I was busy.

After cleaning I spent most of the day writing. I'm working on a YA fantasy novel. It was a good day. I'm afraid I'll be too tired to write when this gets into full swing. I also plan to continue working and it was already a challenge to work full time and get quality writing time in. We'll see what happens.

A little more about the port. It sticks up in my chest below my left collar bone like a third booby. Okay, it's considerably smaller than the other two boobies, but it's quite visible. You know how you dress with certain things in mind: Am I going to work? Is it casual Friday? Do I want to be comfortable or look presentable in public? Well I'm picking out my clothes now based on: do I want to have easy access to the port or do I want to hide the port. That's my criteria. Nothing else matters.

First treatment is tomorrow. Will someone stop this ride? I want to get off.


Anonymous said...

O.k., you want to get off and who could blame you? Sounds like a scary ride. I'd be shaking like a leaf.

Pagosa Springs is in southern Colorado where everyone likes to ski at this kind of run down and folksy ski area. They have hot springs in town for sore bodies.

Carl is an old friend of Elizabeth's. He and George shred the mountain together every winter while I poke along on the tamer runs and wonder if balance is an art or a gift.

Glad you're thinking about the mountains and the colors of New Mexico. When first arriving, it took me a long time to finish marveling over the landscapes.
I'm off March 14-20 for Spring break and then again in May. Let me know your plans.


Anonymous said...

I wish you well, Dawn.

You are definitely NOT alone.
Thank you for writing about this experience.
I think it will make a fascinating book someday, but also it will help others who have to take the same journey.
It's generous of you to share it.
I admire your courage and your sense of humor.

another R.