Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Surgeon Update

Luke and I took a weekend getaway to Dallas. We stayed at a nice hotel where the staff treats you like royalty. And I think I had the most expensive meal of my life. The kind where presentation is as important as the food.

Monday we saw the surgeon. He said he'd do a lumpectomy if he could see it on the mammogram. I have that scheduled for Thursday so, as weird as it seems, say a prayer or cross your fingers that they find something on the mammogram. Otherwise, I'll have to have a mastectomy of the right breast.

If I have the lumpectomy I'll have radiation which means a new doctor, a radiation oncologist. I'll go every day for six weeks. But a mastectomy and reconstruction takes months. I truly want to be done with all this by the end of the year. Of course, technically I won't be done for years, but I mean all the treatment.

My left foot swelled yesterday and this morning it's still a little plump. At this point I'm not really sure which doctor to call now that the oncologist has cut me loose. I think I'll call the nephrologist.

Time for breakfast and work now.

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