Saturday, August 27, 2005

Still Draining After All These Weeks

On Wednesday we made a return trip to the surgeon. The appointment was a disappointment and a waste of time. The infection is clearing up nicely (which I could have told him over the phone) but I’m still getting too much drainage to lose the drain. I’m tempted to name the thing.

The surgeon hadn’t looked at the slides from the lumpectomy yet, so he couldn’t advise us on whether I should have more surgery. He’s going to talk to the pathologist and fax my info to the radiation oncologist then discuss it with both of them. It may be that the radiation will be enough. If I have more surgery it has to be done now and not after the radiation treatment, because the radiated area won’t heal well. I also have another appointment with the chemo oncologist on Wednesday. I’m afraid he’s going to suggest we do the last two chemo treatments that we skipped. I don’t want to do it, quite honestly, but it may be necessary.

I have a brand new problem that started last week. My joints are very stiff and painful if I’ve been sitting or lying down. I have great difficulty standing up and walking if I’m been resting. It’s as if I’m trying to move my legs and feet in directions they aren’t made to go. Curiously, if I move around a lot and do things I can “work” it off and feel okay only to become nearly crippled again if I sit down. And never in my life have I experienced so much difficulty and pain getting up from sitting on the floor. Again I feel like I’m 80 not 41. I don’t know what this is from. I don’t think the docs have a clue. I think it may be that I take too many meds and they are interacting in naughty ways.

The good thing that happened: Luke and I finished a filing project we started last week. Let’s just say it was a major project, but I’m really pleased with the end result.

The interesting thing that’s about to happen: Hurricane Katrina is headed to New Orleans and we’re expecting a couple of carloads of refugees tomorrow. However, most of my family is staying there to ride out the storm, unless they make evacuation mandatory. Then I guess we’ll have a few more carloads of guests. I’m worried about them and the whole city.


Anonymous said...

Katrina did hit. I hope your family left. We did. Thank God. Apparently, N.O. East is flooded. I have a new email for the moment.

Anonymous said...

Please email me. I can't quite remember your email. Have you heard from Wanda?
