Thursday, January 26, 2006

22 to Go

Can't say much today because I haven't much time, but I wanted to sign in and say I'm doing fine. I'm having computer issues which are keeping me from writing.

I'm into the swing of driving back and forth. Then I come home, eat and take a nap before going to work at noon. I'm working six hours a day for now.

The physical therapist strongly recommends daily exercise to fight the fatigue, but I can't walk very long with my feet the way they are. They're still very painful. Or rather, more painful now that I'm not taking the neurontin. I'm hopeful the pain will ease with time. With walking out, I started riding my bike to work again this week. That seems to be working out and helping. I'm certainly sleeping more soundly. It's bad to be tired all the time and not be able to sleep.

Time's run out, gotta head out.

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