Thursday, February 02, 2006

17 . . .

I'm getting very tired now. I get home from the trip and take a nap before going to work. And I'm going to bed about 9:30, but still I'm tired. It's weird because the radiation doesn't feel like anything. It doesn't make you nauseous or anything. I do get a sharp pain in my armpit occasionally. It's not bad, but they offered me pain killers for it. They are free with pain meds for the cancer patient. I think that's a good thing, but it would be easy to become dependent.

Tomorrow I'll have a renal ultrasound. Of course, my back (kidney) doesn't hurt anymore. I'm so so tired of tests!

I'm losing my computer for a few days. It needs an overhaul, poor faithful servant! So I may not be logging in for a bit.

In the meantime, Happy Groundhog Day!

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