Tuesday, February 14, 2006

9 . . .

I got my computer back and I'm back online. I should have only 8 treatments left, but you know nothing ever goes as planned. Today I got a call from the radiation tech telling me their machine is on the fritz. Boy does that inspire confidence! Anyway, it was good of her to call me before I made the trip down there. And impressive that she reached me, because I leave at 5 to seven in the morning. Now they're waiting on a part and expect it to be up and running tomorrow. That pushes radiation back at least one day. I hope that's all. We're getting dangerously close to my birthday and we've already passed the one year mark on this whole nightmare.

I'm not going to make a big entry today, because I'm working on some other writing. I do want to mention, for you few friends I have stopping by from the children's writing community, an upcoming open forum on the ICL chatline. The topic is: "Writing for Teens" and the guest speaker is Lauren Barnholdt. She is the author of the upcoming REALITY CHICK from Simon Pulse, junior agent at Firebrand Literary, and co-author of an upcoming book about writing for teens. Should be fun and interesting. It's on Thursday evening 7-9 central time (you can figure out the time in your timezone or drop by ICL).

The good thing that happened today: spoke to the financial aid person at ULL and there may be some financial aid for Jeremy's tuition (besides TOPS) based on all the money we've spent out-of-pocket on medical expenses. Wha-hoo


Anonymous said...

I have just browsed through your journal and it took me a while to figure out if it was a book you were working on or if it was in fact your true events. I just lost my mother to cancer and I just want you to know that there are people out there like me that pray for everyone with different ailments. You are in my prayers.

Dawn said...

Unfortunately, it's oh-too-true. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Thank you for your prayers.