Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I'm done. Had the last radiation this morning. And when I got home the first thing I did was jump into the shower and scrub the marks off my breast. I finally feel clean again! My breast is pink and my armpit is angry red. My nipple is peeling and my neck is raw, but now I can finally start healing. Yesterday they gave me two creams to put on the various shades of red and they really help ease the burned/raw skin.

Now, maybe I can start to get my life back to some semblance of normal. For instance, I can wear deodorant under my right arm again! I can wash my own hair and my entire body for that matter and not worry about trying to keep the soap from washing away lines. I can go to work at normal hours and start earning leave instead of using it all up.

I'm not really finished with cancer and doctors and such completely. I still have to have the tests and see the docs in thirty days. Then every three months see the onc again. And worry every time something doesn't feel right that it's come back. The reality is that chances are high that it'll come back. But for now, treatment is OVER! No more poison. And who cares what the odds are? My entire treatment has been atypical. Why stop now?

Anyway, I feel like I'm coming out of darkness. You could even say it's . . . wait for it . . .

The Dawn of a New Day.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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