Monday, February 27, 2006

2 . . .

In a little while I'll drive to Alexandria for my second to last radiation treatment. I can't believe I'm almost finished with treatments.

In the last post I was mistaken about the severity of the skin burns. The onc told me it wouldn't get any worse than it was a week and a half ago, but it surely did. The weekend before last it just intensified. My neck became very red and painful. They gave my neck/collarbone the last radiation on Tuesday, but it just seems to get more painful. And my armpit has joined in the fun. I can't even wear a bra. Even the camisoles are uncomfortable. I took off from work starting last Wednesday and I'm supposed to go back this Wednesday. I hope I heal enough by then to wear a bra.

Now they are only treating around the scar on my breast. The last five treatments they concentrate on that area. If the cancer comes back that's a likely place for it so they really want to zap it.

I'm not sure if I talked about the prickly skin reaction I get sometimes. It happens if I get hot or if I get too stressed or if I exert myself too much. Then it's like my skin attacks me and it stings and prickles all over like ants biting or something. It's horrible! I'm sure this is left over nerve damage from the taxotere. I don't know if it'll ever stop. Now I'm starting to worry about doing the Susan G. Komen walk/run because walking a mile might bring on this reaction, especially if it's warm out. I'm really dreading summer.

Just two more treatments and then some time off for good behavior (about a month) before I have to go back to Shreveport for PET scans and CT scans and blood letting and seeing the analytical oncologist.

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