My third chemo almost didn’t happen because my blood work wasn’t good. My red and white blood cells were low, my creatinine was high(er than usual). For the benefit of those who don’t monitor their kidney function on a regular basis, creatinine is what they use to measure how well the kidneys are doing their job of flushing out the bad stuff. In a nut shell, high creatinine means not flushing so well. My oncologist called my nephrologist (who’d of thought I’d have so many specialists of my very own) to discuss it and they decided that it would be okay to go ahead with chemo this time.
While having chemo I met a woman who had lymphoma. She was finished with her initial treatment regiment, but had to return every six months to have chemo once a week for four weeks. This is how cancer changes people's lives forever. She also finished the book she was reading and gave it to me. It was such a nice and simple gesture that now I think I will bring the books I have finished with me next time and give them to other patients.
After the chemo I had go to the lab and pee in a cup for the nephrologist. While waiting my turn the nurse who did the chemo came running in - the nephrologist had sent her after me to give me potassium. I already take potassium supplements, but apparently I needed more. These pills are very hard to swallow. They are big and rough and get caught in your throat. It’s worse if you break them in half because then they have rough edges. The nurse stood over me and made sure I took them right there in front of her, which I thought was pretty funny. After all it was potassium, not an anti-psychotic.
So I survived chemo three adding an extra appointment to see the nephrologist. When I got home I felt pretty yucky and wiped out. But I found a letter in my mailbox from the 12 year old daughter of an old friend. She had even included some pictures. Perfect timing.
Thursday I saw the nephrologist. She showed me the lab work and while my creatinine was a little higher than normal, it wasn't terrible. It was 1.4. Before starting chemo it was at 1.3. For perspective, normal levels for an adult female are 0.5 to 1.1 and dialysis is needed when you get to 10. So it's higher than normal, but not panic time. She was more concerned about my potassium level. Now before chemo I have to see her, too, not just the oncologist.
Thursday after treatment is the lowest day for me, so when I got home from the doc I just fell into bed and slept a few hours. The rest of the day I slept off and on in a recliner.
I'll try to describe how this feels. It's not like just being exhausted. It feels like dying. And not like I imagined that would feel like. It's not a spiritual kind of feeling. More like decay. Your skin hurts on the inside, like a low burning feeling. Only you feel cold on the outside and you can't get warm. Fortunately, the worst of that is Wednesday night and Thursday. Friday is mostly weakness. I went to work on Friday for half a day because I couldn't bear sitting home all day.
Here are some other fun facts about chemo: I now have a constant bad taste in my mouth. I suck on these frozen juice things that help with that a lot and they give me more liquid. I have to drink a lot of liquid. Since starting chemo my blood pressure has been steadily dropping. Yesterday my pressure was 103 over 60 so I didn't take my BP med. I have a minor headache most of time. Even on my good days I can't do too many things without stopping to rest. This is frustrating. It's like I'm 70 instead of 41. And, speaking of getting old, I've noticed a lot of new wrinkles. My face is starting to look aged. I hope this is a temporary thing and perhaps seems worse because of the baldness.
That's enough complaining for now! It's a beautiful day outside. In fact it's cool and I'm going to open the windows and air out the house.
And did you see the soccer cake I made for Jeremy? Pretty funny, huh? Well it was my first attempt and I was making it up as I went along. It's not like I had a special pan or anything. I baked the cake in an oven safe bowl to get the round shape.
Jeremy won Soccer All-District Honorable Mention as a defender. This is something all the coaches in the district vote on. Considering he's on the second to worst team in the district, I think it's pretty awesome that the other coaches noticed him and voted for him.
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