Tuesday, January 31, 2006

19 . . .

Yesterday I went to this program for women with cancer called "Look Good, Feel Better." Ideally you would do this early in your treatment because they give you tips on wearing a wig and skin care and such. They also give you a bunch of free makeup and show you how to properly apply it. Sounds fun, huh? Not as much as you might think. It was me and three old ladies. One of them brought her husband and 15 year old grandson. Weird!

The drive is getting to be automatic. I went to the library and got a couple of books on CD and I listen to one of those on the road. It's weird listening to these things. It takes some getting used to. Some are no good because the readers aren't good and you're too aware of the reader to focus on the story. Others are read with flare and you get right into it. At the end they say something like, "Thank you for reading audio books." Which is an oxymoron, I think, but they want people to feel like they are readers. I don't know why. Experiencing the book is the important part, not the action (or inaction in the case of audio books) used to experience it.

Now I'm starting to feel like maybe I should be using that time in the car better. Maybe I should be learning another language or something. Be constructive.

Anyway, the time is passing quickly now that I've finished the first week. That week was frustrating because it seemed that each day there was something additional to be done that they didn't tell me about and I never knew when to tell my boss I'd get to work. Now I have a routine and don't go into work until noon (work till six) so I feel more flexible.

I'm still having pain in my left kidney and am waiting on a urinalysis culture done last week. Frustrating!

The good thing that happened: I've been very lucky with pleasant weather for driving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just realized you had been on Neurontin. Nicky takes that for the Bell's Palsey. The doctors didn't suggest it. I had read it on a web site and then he said "Oh yeah. That works on nerve pain." DUH!!

Always in my thoughts and prayers.