Sunday, October 30, 2005

Feeling Better, Just in Time

I'm better now. My arm is still somewhat numb, but it doesn't hurt too much. I still get tired easily, but am willing to have a little fun and am managing to squeeze out a joke or two around the house.

Chemo tomorrow. It's also Halloween. I'm thinking I might dress up as a pirate to go to chemo. I'll have to go to x-ray first for them to put in the pick line I'll have for this chemo and the next. Something else to live with for the next three weeks. But as a pirate I could add a little levity, at least while I'm awake. I fall asleep after they give me the benadryl.

I don't know if I mentioned when my right hand swelled (an after effect of the surgery). I had a big hand and small hand for a while (they've evened out some). Incidentally, the right boob is at least a cup size or two smaller than the other. I guess the big hand balanced out the small boob on my right side. Now that the hand has shrunk I'm off balance. I have to find out where to get an insert for my bra so I don't look so lopsided.

Only two chemos left. I can do this! I just hope there're no more surprises.

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