The days are moving along. My arm still hurts but not as urgently. I can go much longer through the day without resorting to pain meds. In fact I feel like I probably won't need any today.
On Sunday I discovered that a sport bra that latches in front and is two sizes too big is just the ticket. I can have a little support and the elastic doesn't squeeze the drainage tube. This means I can leave the house, without shame. I was beginning to get a little of the housebound crazies, if you know what I mean. Since coming home from the hospital I've only left the house twice(other than to pace around the yard for the few minutes I could stand the blazing heat). Once to go visit at my mother-in-law's house and once to have dinner at my sister-in-law's house.
Since getting the bigger bra idea I've been to Walmart, the doc's office (local PCP) and the post office. Today I'm going to venture to the bank. Life is good again.
Or so I thought. The area around the drainage tube has started to swell and turn red. The wire stitches that were on the outside are now inside. My breast is tender to the touch, in an OUCH sort of way. I fear I may have made an error with the bra.
I've tried calling the surgeon's office, but they're all at lunch until 1:30. Hurry up and wait. I sure hope I don't have to go to his office (in Shreveport). Maybe I can have my primary care doc look at it instead. She's just around the corner. Funny thing is that yesterday when I saw her for the fluid retention (did I mention the extra 10 lbs I'm carrying around from fluid retention?) the dang thing was fine. I even had her look at it to be sure. Twenty-four hours later I'm getting worried about infection.
Ooops, spoke too soon. Just talked to Sherry, have to go to Shreveport tomorrow to let the surgeon see my swelling. Oh well, at least I'll get out of the house, right?
The good thing that happened: I received, in the mail, something for my Cancer Days (see how people care) Box. Was it a card? Well, yes I got one of those too, but this is something else. A letter? No. An autographed picture? No. Give up? Of course you do because this is something no one would imagine sending. My oldest (and dearest, he'll insist I add) friend in the whole world, Clint, actually sent me a braid of his hair. A big braid too, not just a few strands! Isn't that hilarious? And so thoughtful! After all what do I need, but hair?
For those of you going, huh? I'll explain. Clint had long and thick hair which he regularly grows and then cuts off and donates to Locks of Love. He did this long before I got cancer. This time, however, his hair was so long and thick they braided it in four braids to cut for donation. Only he saved one, which arrived in my mailbox yesterday. Thank you, Clint, and I'm relieved it isn't dead fish!
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