Saturday, June 11, 2005


Oh hell, the pain!! I can't believe it! It seemed like taxol was going to be easier going than the other chemo, but Thursday evening my legs started to hurt intensely. My leg bones and my joints, my knees, my hips, my ankles! I had aching bones with the shots before, but this is so much deeper. Thursday night I took some hydrocodone that I had left from when I had the migraine. It helped. Made me sleep.

I'd hoped it would ease by Friday morning, but it didn't. There's no comfort. Legs stretched out, folded in, leaning left or right. Heating pad, hot bath. Doesn't matter. A moment of relief and then stabbing pain from two or three places at once. Talked to Kate (the nurse prac)who said, yes, taxol can cause this kind of pain in some people. Should only last a couple of days and I could expect it after each treatment. She called in more lortabs. It helps, but it doesn't do what I want. I want to be totally body numb. It doesn't do that. I was hoping I'd wake up today and it would be over. I don't want to be fuzzy headed all day again. But the pain has not gone away. It has, in fact, spread to my upper body, shoulders, arms. I think my ribs hurt. I broke down and decided I'd have to have another day of pain killers. Wasted day.


Anonymous said...

sorry you are feeling so bad, sorry I don't have a home remedy for pain,
but I've read in 2 places that curry powder helps stop the spread of breast cancer to the lungs. Worth a few spoon fulls.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the PAIN, you poor darling. Don't worry about the wasted days, look at it this way: Just a few to get you through the worst of it so you have the rest of your life to not waste another moment.