Monday, May 09, 2005

Half Way Home

Finished with number 4!! Just 4 more to go. This is actually going quicker than I thought. When it started I thought, six months of treatment, how will I make it through that long? That's half a year! Impossible!! It can't possibly be worth it. Now that I've made it through the last three months, three more months doesn't sound so insurmountable. As you can tell by the last few entries, it has been getting tougher. But now that I'm done with the AC part I'm hoping the T (taxol?) won't be so harsh.

The blood transfusion must have done me some good. I saw the nephrologist before going for chemo and she was happy with my numbers. Tra la la la la. Most significantly my potassium was back to normal levels. Creatinine is still at 1.4. Hemoglobin - good, almost normal. She and the oncologist were in agreement that pushing on with treatment four was okay.

Today's treatment was pretty much uneventful, which was a relief, considering the last couple of visits. The oncologist says the lump in my breast is now about the size of a pencil eraser. Whoohoo! Can I kill a cancer or what? Stage IIIC - kiss my a--.

Did I mention the port turned around again on Friday? Yep, can you believe my luck? I knew when I woke up. I knew what it was supposed to feel like and it wasn't right. Since we were going to Shreveport anyway that day, for the Congressional Art Contest Award Ceremony, we went to the surgeon's office that afternoon and he turned it around again. It's still a little sore. He said he'll take it out after the chemo is done. This made me very happy. I wasn't looking forward to keeping it, because it bothers me a lot. Hell, it hurts when it flips. (Of course, I didn't really feel it flip, because I was still fighting the migraine and was heavily dosed on hydrocodone). Normally they want to keep it in (just in case) for a of couple years.

The good thing that happened today: I packed a lunch to take with me, just in case something went wrong. Luckily, I was finished by one o'clock (no complications) but I was glad to have lunch with me anyway. I'm really getting tired of eating out and especially fast foods.

Things I want to do: Go to France or maybe Prague or the Vatican. Somewhere with thousands of years of history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling ok!
Glad to know things are looking good as far as shrinking. After chemo, what's next?